October 4, 2015
4938 Sandy Dr., Seal Rock
Call to Order
6:00 pm
Members Present: Rick Hill, Alex Derr, Sue Valentine
Financial Report
$4630.80 in Checking. $7000 CD
Old Business
SDAO Best Practices
SDAO Best Practices
We discussed ways to lower our insurance premium. They are:
1. Join another Small District. The cost of doing this exceeds any savings we might be entitled to.
2. Take online training in emergency and disaster preparedness. Rick has done this.
3. Demonstrate best practices for public meetings and records. We have done this.
4. Go to a conference. Expensive, unlikely.
5. Have an external assessment of our practices. Impractical to arrange, expensive.
With what we have done, we are entitled to a 6% savings (of a maximum 10%).
ODOT Issue - passing lanes at Sarkisian intersection
We determined that the passing lanes were painted in approximately the same place as before the repaving. It's still hazardous, but no worse than before the repaving, so nothing for the SS SRD to do about it.
New Business
SDAO dues paid, $125.00.
Next Meeting
7:00 pm