Sunday, April 4, 2010

Concept drawing of the railing and walkway

Following the official meeting this month, Rick, Bill and Alex got together and sketched up this concept drawing for a railing and walkway along Sarkisian where the road crosses the creek. This is the project we have received a SDAO grant to build.

Goals of this project:

  • Provide visual cues for drivers so they don't pull off the road and into the creek.
  • Provide a pleasant walkway past the wetland.
  • Improve the aesthetics of the road and neighborhood.

The structural materials would be pressure treated timbers and galvanized hardware for a long life.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Meeting Minutes, April 2, 2010

Silver Sands Special Road District

Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2010
8:00 am
Sea Dog Cafe
Waldport, OR

Call to Order
Members Present: Bill Heavenston, Rick Hill, Alex Derr
Members Absent: none
Others Present: none

Bank Statement Review: Balance in account as of 2/29/2010 was $4166.46.

Old Business

We have received our Safety Grant of $1200 from the Special District Association of Oregon (SDAO). We set a follow-up meeting to work out details of the railing design, and possibly a walkway alongside.

During this discussion, we realized it would be helpful to have a plat map of our subdivision readily available on our web site, as well as the Conditions Covenants and Restrictions (CCRs). Bill and Rick will scan them and Alex will post them.

New Business

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners has corrected the expiration date of Alex Derr's appointment to the Special Road District; his term ends 12/31/2010.

We reviewed the Agent of Record information, per our meeting charter. Currently, Rick Hill serves as Agent of Record, meaning that all legally required mailings to the Silver Sands SRD will be directed to Rick's address. There were no motions to alter this arrangement at present.

Calendar of Future Meetings

Future meetings were set for May 7, June 11, and July 9. All meetings are scheduled to be at the Sea Dog Cafe in Waldport.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 am